Fast, Easy, and Material AI Enhancements

that Transform Your Digital Products

Equilibrium AI Technologies specializes in adding intelligence and efficiency to your digital products and services—fast, effective, and adaptable

Who We Are: We’re a team of AI experts who bring AI to your business or organization. Whether you're building from scratch or enhancing existing products, our AI solutions elevate your products quickly and affordably.

  • Build AI-driven products from the ground up, like we did with Neuralsing.

    Equilibrium AI specializes in creating AI-based products from scratch, tailored to your business needs. For Woods Entertainment Group, we built Neuralsing (in Beta), an AI-powered voice-modification app that revolutionizes how artists interact with vocal tracks and get paid through new revenue streams.

    Our team handles everything from concept to deployment, ensuring your product is fully optimized for the latest AI capabilities. Whether you have a vague idea or a fully fleshed-out concept, we bring the technical expertise to build a robust, scalable AI solution.

  • Quickly boost existing products, like we did with the Carter Center Institute.

    Equilibrium excels at enhancing existing digital products and services with AI to add new features, streamline operations, or revitalize a stale offering. For the Carter Center Institute, we developed Glimpse, an automated and intelligent threat detection systems for their pre-existing event video content.

    This enhancement allowed them to significantly improve their system’s speed and accuracy, reducing human labor and making their products more effective. We focus on rapid, meaningful upgrades that can quickly turn into improved performance and increased value.

  • Utilize a customizable AI backend with our Chaos Engine, like SUJOPARTY’s MI:ND game.

    For businesses needing a powerful AI infrastructure, we offer our Chaos Engine, a secure and adaptable AI backend that integrates seamlessly into your existing product. For SUJOPARTY, the Chaos Engine provided the foundation for MI:ND, their AI-based video game, handling all complex AI processing while allowing the developers to focus on the creative side. The Chaos Engine is a network of proprietary and commercial models, designed to be highly customizable and capable of scaling to meet the needs of any project.

  • Equilibrium AI is at the vanguard of AI innovation, fostering cutting-edge technology from within.

    Our in-house teams are pioneering distinct advancements in Conversational AI, Computer Vision, and exploratory AI applications—all powered by our proprietary datasets.

Our app Glimpse demonstrating its object detection algorithm on footage.

Our clients include:

Questions? Ask our very own custom trained, Equilibrium AI historian

Schedule a Free AI Consultation

Let’s unlock the potential of your products with AI. Whether you’re looking to build something new, enhance an existing product, or leverage the power of our Chaos Engine, our team is here to guide you. Get personalized advice from our AI experts in just one consultation. Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you shortly to schedule a time that works best.

Equilibrium AI is your trusted partner for transforming ideas into cutting-edge AI solutions. Let’s talk.